Is it wrong for me to want to tie Ellas hands behind her back when I'm trying to feed her?
The child wants to feed herself, which is fine, except she doesn't understand that the spoon, full of food, goes in her mouth and not her _________ (insert body part besides her mouth).
Guess who just woke up from her nap? Gotta go!!
The Future
6 years ago
Yeah, but how cute is it when babies have food all over their cheeks, nose, eyebrows, ears, chin, and hair? I mean, seriously, what fun would it be otherwise!?!?
Thank God Will hasn't started that yet. He is perfectly content to sit there waiting for me to spoon more mush into his gaping maw, but if I'm not fast enough, he gives me the pterodactyl screech.
We give Jillian two other spoons to play with so she doesn't try to grab the one with the food on it. That seems to work pretty well, except for when she tries to get all three spoons in her mouth at once!
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