Thursday, February 01, 2007

It has been so freaking cold here in St. Louis that Ella and I haven't been out much this week. Yesterday, before the POOP incident, we were in a pretty good mood so I decided to take some candid pictures of my very cute daughter:

(the POOP incident involved one very poopy girl, one poopy diaper, one poopy onsie, poop on the floor, in her hair and all over her backside. It also involved pee on the floor). VERY, VERY, bad day for MOMMY!!!!


Diana said...

Soooo CUTE!!
(Sorry to hear about the "POOP incident", shit happens...)

Chris Johnson said...

I love the new pictures! She is so darn cute!

Speaking of poop my word verification letters are dooygzw......I have a little doo while posting a comment.

Nichole said...

She is sooo freakin' cute! You can definitely tell she has Great Parents, Very Happy Baby!

Jen said...

OH!!! I love those pics!!!!

Time for next size up in diapers???? When we had those "incidents" ite generally meant bigger diapers were needed!! HAve fuN!!!

AlmostafarmerDeb said...

She is growing up so fast. What a cutie!! Thanks for posting photos to share with us. Time flies by, today we got the official invitation to the 1st Birthday Party of Miss Carmen. One year old soon, amazing and wonderful!!