I stole this from catizhere, hope she doesn't mind. I thought it was cool:
Not much else going on here in the land of Ella. Still trying to get her on a schedule. I don't know how people do it. I've tried and failed and tried again. It would be so nice to know when she will be taking a nap, getting hungry, ect. It would make going out of the house a little less stressful for all parties involved.
Over the weekend, we went out to dinner with some friends and I actually had to leave the restaurant because Miss Ella was throwing her first ever temper tantrum!! It was not pretty.
To all you "experienced" parents, when do you start disciplining your child? I don't mean, grounding, spanking or that sort of thing, just simple "No, Ella we don't spit" or "No, Ella we don't stick our fingers there." Do they understand that word yet? Is that why "NO" is a lot of kids first word?
The Future
6 years ago
My kid is 10 and I'm still trying to talk my wife into STARTING.
HA!! I stole that from Planet Mom!
Schedules-schmedules....Just be prepared. If she hasn't eaten or taken a nap in the past 2 hours, you KNOW she's gonna get hunger/cranky/tired in another hour or so. Take one of those Gerb&r Take & Toss bowls with some cereal & a jar of fruit to the restaurant or try to get her to fall asleep in the car, then just carry the whole thing in with you.
As for "no", I already tell WIll, "no pulling Mommy's hair" NO puilling Sisters hair" with a lot of distraction. If you catch her puling leaves off the ficus, re direct her to her Fisher Price Circus train....
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