Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Taking Responsibility for your own action....I don't think so!!!

So here's the newest thing: Intermittent Explosive Disorder. This is what the "Experts" are now calling the disorder that causes people to have road rage. Give me a freaking break! What ever happened to taking responsibility for ones own actions? I can see it now, some guy is going to be unable to control his self, get pissed off, cause some person to drive off the road, over a bridge and kill them and the guy will get off because he has IED disorder!

What has happened to our society that every one has to blame someone else for their actions? Lets start suing our parents for our genes, " Sorry Mom and Dad, I'm suing you because its all your fault that you passed these faulty genes on to me." I get so tired of people blaming everyone else for their problems.


Nichole said...

Amen Sistah! That is about as stupid as suing the tobacco companies because you now have lung cancer after smoking 2 packs of lucky strikes unfiltered cigarettes for the last 25 years.

As Carlos Mencia would say,
"These people are De De Dee's"

Jess said...

Paula I am so with you. I heard about that the other day on our local news and was like WTF? There's a friggin "disease" for every action and a pill to cure it. Makes me sick.

We have a lot of road rage in this area in the (believe it or not) rural areas. People pass me daily on hills, double yellow lines, over railroad tracks, try to run me off the road because I'm going 60 on a COUNTY ROAD for crying out loud and it's not fast enough for them.

Some SOB causes injury to me or my husband because of their road rage, no jury could punish them like I will.

Keep preaching it sistah, we're listening!!!!

BTW, love the blog, will be adding it to my roll, and congrats on the pregnancy, hope it will go smooth for you :)

Dave Morris said...

There is a thing called "Restless Leg Syndrome" now. Any way for the drug companies to make more fucking money!

It was always called heebie-jeebies when I was a kid, and it meant you were restless because you sat on your ass all day. Get up and walk around, problem solved.

bh said...

RIGHT ON!!! Don't even get me started...

Jess said...

I'm just wondering WHAT in the world people did one hundred years ago? I mean HELLO? My goodness, there were no real medications, no air conditioning, no motorized vehicles, no electricity, no internet, no IPODS, no SUV's, no smoke-free restaurants, no real conveniences of life except for in the larger cities and even those were scarce.

Spoiled rotten brats have taken over this country! I am just getting so tired of the bitching! Got restless leg? OH GET OVER IT!

There, I feel bettah now!