Thursday, November 09, 2006

How do people have their baby on a schedule? Apart from getting her into bed every night at 8-830pm there is no such thing as a routine.

I give up!!


Anonymous said...

HA! Schedule? What schedule? If I get Jillian in bed by 10:30, that's early, man. Though now that we're going on four months, we are starting to have a pattern. I wouldn't call it a schedule, but there is definitely a rhythm to our days. Too bad we're funky white people who can't dance.

Violet said...

How cool that Ella rolled over this afternoon! That's awesome. I can't wait to see her new trick!

Jen said...

I WANNA SEE!!!!!!!!!!! Tell her to STOP doing that until Aunt Jen can see!!!!

And yeah, just is kinda nice to see you all starting to "get" what I have been dealing with for 13 years. Life goes on and you jsut have to deal with it or else......

Anonymous said...

I have no baby.

SO I have no schedule...or lack of a baby schedule for that matter.

Basically nothing to add. ;)
